The output “space and time” of cognition of language is the input of cognition of information, starting with white people of South Africa at a target. Next, the mental arteriosclerosis that they develop is the new information in cognition of language. After all, “space and time” interacts with the motivation to create a country, and adaptive ability that isn’t influenced by mental arteriosclerosis (such as the case of the white people in South Africa).
Max’s brain secretes a neurotransmitter of pleasure named dopamine because the before-mentioned scene is the wedding ceremony of his sister, and the signal comes down to the brain stem through the diencephalon. Regarding memory, A is a long-term memory, B, C, D and E are a working memory. The working memory is strong in this scene, therefore the frontal cortex is working actively in the writing brain of Gordimer.
花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura