4.5 Frontal cortex and development of morals
The temporal cortex is related to the development of language and the occipital lobe is related to the development of eyesight. What is the frontal cortex related to? It is the development of morals. The frontal cortex is fully developed around 18 years old. The degree of maturity of a brain is measured by the myelination of neural paths. The axon of the long path is covered by white lipid tissues.
The tissues increase speed of the neural signal along the path, therefore, the transmission between each area of the brain is swift. The frontal cortex coordinates with other various areas of the brain and the long-distance transmission is very important. At 18 years old, the path to connect the remote brain areas to the frontal cortex has completely myelinated, and the frontal cortex can play various roles perfectly.
花村嘉英訳(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura