The frontal cortex has differences between genders. The right frontal cortex of men is more beetling than the left, unlike for women. As to the decision-making of situation-dependent scenarios, men activate the left prefrontal cortex, and women activate both sides of the posterior cortex. Furthermore, for the decision-making of situation-independence scenarios, men activate the right prefrontal cortex and women activate both side of the prefrontal cortex.
There is another difference of the functional pattern in the cerebral cortex between sexes. The brain of men have more prominent differences of right and left parts than women. The brain of women have more prominent differences in the anteroposterior parts than men. When dealing with language information, men activate the anteroposterior part in the left hemisphere, while women activate the frontal cortex of the right and left cerebral hemisphere.
“The Late Bourgeois World” describes the motivation of white people related to the revolution of South Africa based on the working memory of Max, in one particular day of the storyteller’s life. Therefore, when Gordimer wrote the novel as a woman, her right and left prefrontal cortex was active.
花村嘉英訳(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura