“Language” of Sapir and “The True Story of Ah Q”of Lu Xun 11

1.4 Effect of Jung

 Sapir drew influence from Jung. Carl Jung (1875-1961) considered the individual unconscious such as oblivion or repression while he advocated the universal collective unconscious to transcend an individual. For example the unconscious idea was important for Sapir as seen in the argument of the pattern of unconscious behavior.
 His drift of language means that a society of language unconsciously selects a direction. This is the idea of collective unconscious and cultural activities are unconsciously patterned in a society. Sapir’s language typology has an influence not only on the metaphor of society and culture but also on cultural anthropology.
 Jung’s psychology will restore whole personality by correlating an image in us with the conscious. At that time, the alchemy played a part. It is the chemical technology that began in Egypt and was prevalent in Europe to turn noble non-metals such as iron into metals such as gold and silver. It was also used as the technology to fill out an elixir of life.
 Furthermore Jung revaluated the significance of modern alchemy including the meaning of religion and mental psychology from a perspective of the unconscious and engaged in reading of “The secrets of the Golden Flower” in Chinese.
 It is also noted that episodic memory is evoked through an unconscious state. The stimulus that evokes the past is certainly similar to the unconscious and may be associated with the deep psyche. But, episodic memory could be evoked through an entirely unrelated stimulus. It is associated with the unconscious.

花村嘉英(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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