Study to make a database of “Sansho the Bailiff of Ogai Mori” 3

2.2  Training of synergy

 I consider combination ensembles as a form of training of synergy because the research object of synergy consists from various combinations. For example, a movement synergy consists in many combinations like opening or closing the hand or flexing or extending the elbow and so on. Therefore, I will make various combinations for synergic research. In this paper, I will examine the following three steps as the process of forming combinations.

A Synergic combinations

 This group includes for example; society and system, society and welfare, law and technology (patent), management and engineering, financial engineering, software and hardware, medical and counseling, culture and nourishment, and arts and information (corpus, parser, translation memory, quantitative linguistics and literature and database) and so on. To do a Model L for arts and science, I select one of the above mentioned combinations. This is the first stage of synergic effect.

花村嘉英(2017)「森鴎外の『山椒大夫』のデータベース化とその分析」より   translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura


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