The story teller is a white lady. She got pregnant at 18 years old and married, then had a baby with Max. His father was a representative of the United Party, therefore, his family observed conventions to save face. But Max gave a toast to his sister Queenie and her husband Alan because he was married and had a wife and baby and became an adult.
Max is thin and of average height, with thick wrists small blue eyes. He resembled his mother. Queenie was also beautiful. He prayed with all his heart for the success of the bride and groom and their future. The activity of frontal cortex is also very important here. The frontal association area has general intelligence to guide an optimal action under a difficult situation, and influences social and emotional intelligence, which is the key to succeed.
One gives advice about life in the speech at a wedding ceremony. Max pointed out that an artery becomes battered if one excludes the outsider, and rather, eats delicious meals more than necessary in a comfortable club. But there is the mental arteriosclerosis with self-righteousness and deception. The white people’s area is infected by the disease, and the medical treatment is difficult. If one raises a child in the white people’s area, the child will succumb to mental arteriosclerosis. Max’s speech sounds like a lecture, and I wonder if whether or not this is something to say at a wedding ceremony. He gets to the point in a casual way. His morals are developed.