Ah Q pulled around the town before shooting death saw cheering crowd from a cart. At a certain moment, he remembered the hungry wolf which he met at the base of a mountain four years ago. The mind of cheering crowd was in a state of disorder like “ma-ma-hu-hu” and therefore it could be seen as an unpredictable behavior (non-linearity).
The input information that the optic nerve of the cart driver and Ah Q received was almost the same at the start. But Ah Q remembered the hungry wolf after a short time. That means the two outputs are very different at the time (indeterminism).
Such features of chaos are also connected to memory. For example the eyes of the wolf don’t approach Ah Q and don’t even get away from him while they chase him as a criminal. That’s episodic memory and a justification to see the unconscious idea (called “ma-ma-hu-hu” placed in Ah Q and the people around him) as a chaotic world found by recognizing the presence of continuous objects.
花村嘉英(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品-魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura