About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World” 13

4.3 Frontal association area and motivation

 The frontal association area supports learning abilities such as thought and inference, and commands one to behave humanly. It is important for learning ability to keep a motive and an appetite for leaning and to generate enthusiasm. The frontal cortex is involved in the adjustment of enthusiasm.
 Learning ability improves when the neurotransmitter dopamine rises. When mental rewards such as pleasure, accomplishment, praise and love excite the nucleus accumbens of the limbic system, dopamine rises. Dopamine excretes from nerve nuclei such as substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventrotegmental area in the mid-part of the brain stem and reaches the entire brain, including the hypothalamic area and brain cortex. Substantia nigra pars compacta is related to the adjustment of movement. When one gets moderate exercise, one is refreshed and keeps trying because dopamine levels rise from movement.
 Dopamine excretes much more when one lays out a goal and accomplishes the goal. Graham will be the best in “The Late Bourgeois World”, if a lady proposes marriage to a man in South Africa of the day. The storyteller married with Max at 18 years old and had a baby, then divorced him. When Max went to prison, Graham helped her form a petition.

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura



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